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Introducing Yurt: A CLI Tool for Rapid Codebase Setup

Will Harris
February 1, 2024
A hand typing on a keyboard

Hi all! I wanted to share an internal tool that our team at Yeti  has developed, called Yurt. In a nutshell, Yurt is a command line application designed to streamline the process of setting up new code bases by incorporating our preferred preferences and patterns.

I put together a loom video walking through the tool that covers:

Initiating Yurt: Yurt is kicked off by calling the start command, leading you through a series of questions to configure your code base.

Configuration Options: Yurt allows you to specify details like the repository name, the location in your file system, and the type of application you're creating. There are options for standalone React and backend applications or a React and Apollo GraphQL integrated setup.

Automated Setup: Yurt automates the process of creating the directory, copying templates, installing dependencies, setting up a local Docker file with a Postgres database, generating GraphQL types and schema, and committing the changes to Git.

Front-end and Back-end Integration: The resulting code base includes a Git repository with front-end and back-end packages. You can easily run and test the React app and Apollo server locally.

Why Yurt?

If you're interested in checking out Yurt, head over to GitHub. Feel free to explore, suggest changes, or even take it for a spin.

Watch the Video for a hands-on demonstration by Will.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!

Yeti is an IoT application development company with over a decades worth of experience building meaningful digital products. If you're beginning your app development journey, and are looking for an experienced parter, we'd love to talk. Feel free to send a message our way and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Will is a software developer at Yeti. In his free time you can find him riding bikes, hiking in the hills and searching  Bay Area restaurants for delicious vegetarian food.

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