Companies can benefit from the cross-industry experience and built-in expertise of hiring an outside development agency to assist with a software application launch, rather than relying on internal staff.
But once you’ve brought on a team, the next question is how should you integrate them into your existing workflow?
Projects always go more smoothly when the teams are aligned, so it’s vital to get the chemistry right from the start. In this slideshare you'll learn some strategies we’ve identified that will ease the way for productive collaboration with an external app development team.
Think of a product Roadmap as your product development team's North Star. Not only does a roadmap prioritize the "what" and "when" of product development, but it also aligns all departments to efficiently design, develop, test, market, and iterate upon your product.
Discovery is an often-overlooked, yet vitally important step in creating a successful product. It’s all too easy to assume a product idea has been thoroughly explored and is ready to be built, when in reality that journey of exploration has just begun.
This on-demand webinar is specifically designed for entrepreneurs & product developers who have strong ideas but need help with refining them and taking them to the next level of success.