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The Basics of Django TastyPie and iOS RestKit

A beginners guide for understanding Django Tasty{ie and iOS RestKit.

Beginner DevOps with Django and Fabric

A look at beginner DevOps with Django and Fabric.

Yeti Goes to PyCon 2012

A look at Yeti's recent trip to PyCon 2012.

Integrating Google Places API and Django TastyPie

For our latest project, BlurtAbout, we had to integrate with a location based API so we chose Google Places.

SF Django Meetup: Microservices at Prezi

Two engineers discuss how they're migrating their application from a monolithic structure to microservices.

Graph Theory is Wonderful!: Yeti Lunch and Learn

Here at Yeti we love learning new things, so twice a month we open up the floor to presentations on areas of personal expertise. Our awesome developer, Dean, recently gave this presentation on Graph Theory.

Get the Most Out of Git: 7 Best Practices for Budding Developers

A few of our favorite best practices for developers using Git.

San Francisco Developer Meetups

A look at the San Francisco Developer meetup scene.

Demo Day at Rocket U

The first group of students to graduate from RocketU did so with a "Demo Day" event.

5 Categories of Research for the App Development Process

Here are five ways to conduct user research and involve users in the process.

Hashtags and Mentions in Swift

Although there are many nuances to the language and relatively few code examples out there, one of the huge benefits of Swift was how readable it is.

Software Consulting: What's In a Code Audit?

As a product grows and so does the codebase, the code needs to be organized.

Bug Reporting Basics

An overview of bug reporting basics.

Innovations in Proximity Technology

Here are a few ways that your company can enhance the user experience through location-aware technology.

Establishing a Websocket PUBSUB server with Redis and Asyncio

This post in particular covers how to leverage a PUBSUB (publish-subscribe) Redis server and websockets to this purpose.

Social Auth with Django REST Framework

This post is part 3 of a series on using OAuth with Django REST Framework.

6 Jquery Plugins for Responsive and Mobile Websites

Some of our favorite plugins for responsive and mobile website development.

Life After Bootcamp

An overview of how to digest all that you learn at a coding bootcamp.

10 Steps to Maximize the Productivity of Your Development Team

No matter the source — mismanaged expectations, changing requirements, an unclear decision-maker, or waterfall methodologies — 10 steps can help you bring development back up to speed.

Running Development Apps

A look at how to go about getting a pre=release app up in the Android and iOS app platforms for testing and approval.

How to use git? A beginner's guide

A beginner's guide to using Git.

On Being an Engineer of Software

Yeti's Co-Founder, Tony Scherba, shares his thoughts on being a software engineer.

Beyond Syntax: Why I'm Excited About Swift

Swift introduces a wealth of new features that should make iOS programming easier, cleaner, and a more enjoyable process.

6 Tips for Improving the Development Workflow

Whether you’re starting fresh on building a workflow plan, or adapting to accommodate a new project, there are always ways to improve and new things to consider.

Client vs. Server OAuth Flows with REST APIs

This post is part 4 of a series on using OAuth with Django REST Framework.

Android Particle System: Creating basic effects for games 2

Part 2 of how to create basic effects for games on the Android Particle System.

What's an API?

What's an API? The quick and dirty answer: An API is just a way to interact with an application. Learn more.

Using Curried Functions in Swift

So, what exactly is a curried function?

Integrating Django, Tastypie & Python Social Auth

Python Social Auth is intended for use through the web and has routes already set up for authenticating and disconnecting users from different social media services.

Have a project you’d like to get started on?

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