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Using Curried Functions in Swift

So, what exactly is a curried function?

Integrating Django, Tastypie & Python Social Auth

Python Social Auth is intended for use through the web and has routes already set up for authenticating and disconnecting users from different social media services.

Programming an Autonomous 20 Foot Blimp with Python

Scott gives a talk on programming an autonomous 20 foot blimp with Python.

Optimizing JavaScript for runtime speed

A look at how to optimize JavaScript for runtime speed.

SF Django Meetup: Asynchronous Events and Architecture

There was some great insight if you plan on implementing celery for your Django application soon.

iPhone Accelerometer Calibration

A quick note on the iPhone accelerometer calibration.

Starting an Amazon AWS EC2 Instance of Ubuntu 12.04 with EBS

A technical look at starting an Amazon AWS EC2 Instance of Ubuntu 12.04 with EBS.

Testing: Year One

Chris gives us the low down on how he tackled implementing a test suite for a large, pre-existing codebase from the ground up.

Global Search in Django Rest Framework

In this blog post we’ll base our example off the Snippets tutorial from the Django Rest Framework website.

OAuth2 with Django REST Framework

Part 2 of a series on using OAuth with Django REST Framework.

Setting Up a Light Sensor with an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi

The goal for this blog post is to showcase the following: Produce an Arduino that writes to Serial the current ambient light level, connect an Arduino to a Raspberry Pi via USB port, and tead the light levels on the Raspberry Pi that the Arduino is writing.

Android Particle System: Creating basic effects for games

Part 1 of creating basic effects for games on the Android Particle System.

Fixing Poster Image Stuttering on Looping Videos

The code that helps fix poster image stuttering on looping videos.

What is the importance of having Cross-Platform applications?

Why having cross-platform applications is essential to your development process.

Set Up a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian, running Python 3.5

I wanted to have a Raspberry Pi that checks the following boxes, OS: Raspbian and Python Env: Python 3.5 (installed and routed to with Pyenv). Here's what I came up with.

Top 5 New Year's Resolutions for Developers

Our top 5 suggestions for developers moving into the New Year.

How to Write a Creative Brief That Doesn’t Handcuff Development

So whether a client sends me a brief or I draft one for my own uses, I can promise that all of my projects have one. Here’s why.

San Francisco Django Meetup Recap (#5 - #8)

An overview of San Francisco Django Meetups five through eight.

How Bungie Did Their Destiny Beta

Some takeaways from the Destiny beta.

San Francisco Django Meetup Recap (#1 - #4)

A recap of the San Francisco Django meetups one through four.

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