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High School Girls Learn JavaScript

We volunteered to lead a JavaScript workshop for high school girls in the Bay Area.

Global Search in Django Rest Framework

In this blog post we’ll base our example off the Snippets tutorial from the Django Rest Framework website.

How Bungie Did Their Destiny Beta

Some takeaways from the Destiny beta.

Meet the Yetis - Amy Chiang

Meet our favorite design intern, Amy!

SF Django Meetup: Microservices at Prezi

Two engineers discuss how they're migrating their application from a monolithic structure to microservices.

Yeti Sounds: Vol. 1

Check out this collection of tracks from inside the Yeti cave.

Yeti's First Rodeo

Yeti gets an unexpected call and ends up at the rodeo!

Philippe: French Intern

Meet YEti's summer intern, Philippe.

SF Django Meetup: Surviving Transactions

A recap of the last SF Django Meetup all about surviving transactions.

Quick and Easy Prototyping

An overview on how to go from a blank sheet of paper to a prototype.

Bug Reporting Basics

An overview of bug reporting basics.

Beyond Syntax: Why I'm Excited About Swift

Swift introduces a wealth of new features that should make iOS programming easier, cleaner, and a more enjoyable process.

Adjusting To Life in San Francisco

A developer's insights into life in San Francisco.

The Coffee Tasting

Team building exercise: coffee tasting.

The Internet is Liberating Video

With the internet quickly becoming the prominent delivery network for video and users becoming the self guided programming guide, I'm starting to notice this amazing blend that is making how we consume video similar to how we consume books.

Testing: Year One

Chris gives us the low down on how he tackled implementing a test suite for a large, pre-existing codebase from the ground up.

Apple App Store Submission Checklist

Our App Store submission checklist. Make sure you check all the boxes before submitting your app.

Helping Clients Communicate Ideas

Here are some tools that we find helpful throughout the product design process to always keep the team and our client on the same page.

Demo Day at Rocket U

The first group of students to graduate from RocketU did so with a "Demo Day" event.

The Lawn Party

A look at Yeti's summer lawn party.

Yeti volunteers at the SF-Marin Food Bank

A group of Yetis volunteered at the local SF-Marin Food Bank.

Wireframing an App

Wireframing is an all-around essential process for product development.

Programming an Autonomous 20 Foot Blimp with Python

Scott gives a talk on programming an autonomous 20 foot blimp with Python.

Django 1.7 And You

A recap of the SF DJango Meetup on April 30th.

San Francisco Django Meetup Recap (#5 - #8)

An overview of San Francisco Django Meetups five through eight.

On Being an Engineer of Software

Yeti's Co-Founder, Tony Scherba, shares his thoughts on being a software engineer.

Integrating Django, Tastypie & Python Social Auth

Python Social Auth is intended for use through the web and has routes already set up for authenticating and disconnecting users from different social media services.

Fixing Poster Image Stuttering on Looping Videos

The code that helps fix poster image stuttering on looping videos.

San Francisco Django Meetup Recap (#1 - #4)

A recap of the San Francisco Django meetups one through four.

Life After Bootcamp

An overview of how to digest all that you learn at a coding bootcamp.

Have a project you’d like to get started on?

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