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5 Tips for Getting Your Next Project Off to a Running Start!

Starting a new project can be an overwhelming process! From scheduling the right meetings to crafting the perfect roadmap, the decisions you make during these initial stages of the project play a huge role in its eventual success.

When Agile Isn't Enough: The Evolution of Agile Part Two

To make Agile more actionable and accountable we developed “Applied Agile”, a management system that sits on top of traditional agile processes. Learn how to use Applied Agile with your team.

Building Mapping Applications with Django

In this talk, given at the San Francisco Django Meetup group's latest meeting, Stan Knutson discusses building mapping applications with Django.

17 Slack Hacks and Best Practices For A More Focused Team

To help ensure that Slack doesn't become a hindrance to your team's productivity, we've compiled this list of Strong Recommendations and Suggested Recommendations for you to follow.

The 4 Most Common Mistakes Made By "Agile" Teams

To really understand the Agile mindset it’s necessary to take a close look at the Agile manifesto.

Meaningful Design

In a time when work-life balance is increasingly difficult to achieve, many of us seek work that is meaningful and gives us a sense of purpose. How might designers navigate finding and defining meaningful work?

Using Docker for In-Memory Test Databases

In this talk, given at a recent San Francisco Django Meetup, Terran Olson discusses using Docker for in-memory test databases.

Take a Sneak Peek at Yeti's Daily Huddle Board!

Take a look at Yeti's custom Huddle board! It keeps our meetings running smoothly and to allows us to track and record each of our teams daily and weekly progress.

Align Your Team in Six Minutes a Day With a Daily Huddle

Here at Yeti we've discovered that one of the most effective leadership and management tools we have in our toolbelt is also the one that requires the least amount of time. Our Daily Huddle.

How to Think About Agile for Executives: The Evolution of Agile Part One

Everyone talks about Agile, a more modern methodology ​created for software development... but why should you use Agile as part of your project management tool belt?

Yeti's Guide to Effectively Managing Difficult Clients

Throughout our years of experience in product development one of the hard lessons we've learned is that the development of a great product can be seriously derailed by difficult client behavior. Luckily, there are some great ways to easily manage difficult clients.

A 3-Step Process for Creating Great Products Every Time

The future of any startup hinges on its ability to hit development home runs early on. 7 in 10 upstart tech companies fail within the first two years, so getting development process correct from the get-go is crucial to your company's success.

6 Reasons to Hire a UX Design Agency

Some businesses might cringe at the idea of outsourcing something as important as product design, but there’s nothing strange about hiring the best people for the job.

Facebook's 'React Native' Has Changed the Rules of App Development

Which would you choose: a single-platform app with a great user experience or a cross-platform app with a poor one?Entrepreneurs would be facing that choice had Facebook not agreed in September to relicense its popular React framework for third parties

The Importance of User Testing

User testing is a method of gathering feedback quickly so you can evaluate an idea, feature, or full product in order to ensure that what you are creating will actually serve the user you are targeting.

The Adventure of Inventing: A Guide to Building Impactful Products

Here at Yeti we love learning new things, so twice a month we open up the floor to presentations on areas of personal expertise. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Tony Scherba, recently gave this presentation on building impactful products

7 Ways Agile Training Will Benefit Your Team

Traditional methods of project management that don't take unpredictability into account can make any tech project impossible to navigate.

The ORM and When Not To Use It: A Django Meetup Talk

In this talk given at a recent meeting of the San Francisco Django Meetup Group, Christophe Pettus, Chief Consultant and CEO of PostgreSQL Experts Inc., discusses situations and efficiencies you can obtain by using direct SQL.

How to Structure Your React / Redux Application

At Yeti, we create a large number of apps from the ground up due to the number of startups we work with. Every new app gives us the opportunity to improve our tech stack and one if its important pieces - folder structure.

The Importance of Readability: Yeti Lunch and Learn

Here at Yeti we love learning new things, so twice a month we open up the floor to presentations on areas of personal expertise. Our awesome developer, Kevin, recently gave this presentation on the importance of readability.

If Conversational Chatbots Want to Take Off, They Need to Act Like Robots - ReadWrite

Although it can be tough to get people to love the idea of talking to computers rather than people, chatbots and the AI behind them have incredible potential

Clean Architecture With Python

At the last meeting of the San Francisco Django Meetup Group, Jair Vercosa gave a talk on clean architecture with Python in which he discusses how to implement clean architecture with python using one of it's most popular frameworks

Migrating From REST to GraphQl in Django

At the last meeting of the San Francisco Django Meetup Group, Manish Sinha gave a talk on migrating from REST to GraphQl in Django. Take a look at the video here!

Graph Theory is Wonderful!: Yeti Lunch and Learn

Here at Yeti we love learning new things, so twice a month we open up the floor to presentations on areas of personal expertise. Our awesome developer, Dean, recently gave this presentation on Graph Theory.

Creating a Reusable Component Library: Yeti Lunch and Learn

Part of the Yeti Lunch and Learn series - our amazing developer, Resdan, gives a presentation on creating a reusable component library. Enjoy the video!

How to Create a Better User Experience in Med Tech- ReadWrite

Users deserve simple, smart systems that they can easily navigate. There are three ways, in particular, that UX designers can bring positive, user-focused change to the healthcare world.

What Makes a First Rate Mobile App Development Company?

If you're a brand looking to choose a mobile app development company, the selection process can be very confusing. What are the characteristics you should be looking for when it comes to finding a development partner you can trust?

Sitting Still: Meditation As A Business Tool

The average human has over 60,000 thoughts per day, most of which amounts to mental chatter- unnecessary, repetitive and habitual thoughts that can seriously disrupt your creative flow. One of the greatest benefits of a regular meditation practice is an increased level of focus.

Yeti Lunch and Learn: Retrospectives

Here at Yeti we love learning new things, so twice a month we open up the floor to presentations on areas of personal expertise. Our amazing project manager, America, recently gave this presentation on Retrospectives. Enjoy the video!

Costs and Other Considerations of Touch-Screen Kiosks

At Yeti, we're constantly receiving requests to build custom kiosks and have developed quite the expertise. Take a look at some of the considerations we take when determining the cost of these projects.

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